Student Journey

To date, students have been immersed in the 'Discovery' phase of The B!G Idea programme, learning about the challenges their Hero faces and developing key research and analysis skills as they respond to their chosen project briefs.
2022 Project Briefs

2022 Project Briefs

Our students received their project briefs back in January and have been working on developing their ideas each week. Check out the guidelines they received in their individual student swag bags.

What Have They Learned?

Introduction - Programme and Mindset



Research and Interviews

Mindset of a changemaker

Communicating & Uploading their Pitch

Student Pitch Guidelines

Student Pitch Guidelines

Students have been given lots of guidelines and questions to consider for their pitches, including a template with sentence starters, to develop their thinking and best structure their pitches.

Pitch Guidelines

Your journey so far and what is next

Outline primary & secondary research

Capture your thinking & decisions

Include details about your Hero

What is your Hero’s life like now?

How might it be different with your B!G Idea?

Sample Pitch Structure

Our solution is called ‘xyz’

It is a …

From our research, we discovered that …

Our solution is …because…

This means that …

This will help our Hero by …

Mentor Guidance

Mentor Guidance

Students are excited to receive your advice and feedback through their teachers, helping them get to develop their B!G Idea and move to the next stage of their project. This part of the programme is pivotal to their learning.

What's Next?

Integrating Mentor Feedback

Developing your Idea

Prototyping your Idea

Testing and Refining an Idea

Journey Mapping & Storyboarding

Creating Presentation Components for Final Idea

Submission of Final Idea

Reflection, Feedback and Showcase Preparation

Two flex weeks allow time for students and teachers to take a breather and catch up

Check out 2021 Students

The B!G Schools 2021

B!G 2021 Students

B!G Student Feedback - 2021