The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea

Contagious Creativity

14 April 2021
Contagious Creativity
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea

If you remember the last time we discussed The B!G 5 on Instagram, the B!G thing that came out of the first four interviews was that creativity is all about having fun. We have done five more interviews since then and the common theme throughout is still the same. The biggest names in the creative industry are all saying the same thing, have fun and let it flow.

“Don’t worry about other people, just be kind to yourself” Daithi Baxter, Creative Director, Fabrik 

If you remember the last time we discussed The B!G 5 on Instagram, the B!G thing that came out of the first four interviews was that creativity is all about having fun. We have done five more interviews since then and the common theme throughout is still the same. The biggest names in the creative industry are all saying the same thing, have fun and let it flow.

The words that got us buzzing to describe creativity were such positive, happy and encouraging ones. They talked about openness, curiosity, being courageous, being fearless, asking questions, using your imagination and originality and using your unique mindset to the fullest. That doesn’t sound like hard work at all and yet the result is incredibly rewarding every time! 

Like the Superstars before them, these mentors feel most creative when they are relaxed and not trying too hard! Ironically, this very thought can cause us all to over-try and so it’s about being aware. Let the ideas flow when you least expect them, when you’re walking the dog on the beach or getting yourself ready in the morning. One mentor, Gillian Horan, founder of The Pudding, said she is most creative when she’s working with others, bouncing ideas off people who think differently to her while Daithi said that he, annoyingly, feels most creative when he’s trying not to so when he’s making a cup of tea or scrolling through social media. You will find the time that works best for you. 

Gillian went on to say that creativity is fuelled by passion. Sometimes it’s good passion like when you’re feeling happy and excited; sometimes it’s a negative passion like when you’re furious about something. It’s all about channelling these energies into something positive and creativity will flow naturally.  Stephen Ledwidge, Design Director at RichardsDee believes in getting into a playful state by being open and letting the ideas flow. He likes to listen to the research and to go in with an open mind. Research is key!

Amy McKeogh, founder of FIOR studios wants us all to remember that we are completely unique. Your life, your experience, your creativity, your mind, your personality is all so individual and these are your greatest assets so don’t waste time and energy comparing yourself to anyone else, be proud of who you are and the rest will come naturally. Sounds easy, right? It is, so go and have fun and get creative!

Don’t miss another one – Follow us on Instagram!

Think about the things you are really passionate about, channel your energy and the creativity will come.

Gillian Horan, CEO and Founder of The Pudding

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