The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea

B!G Award Partner – CJ Fallon

14 June 2022
B!G Award Partner – CJ Fallon
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea

Who doesn’t remember the CJ Fallon logo on their text books while making our way through the country's education programme?! The logo is nearly as legendary as Glenroe’s theme tune and holds a special place in every child’s memory bank.

Who doesn’t remember the CJ Fallon logo on their text books while making our way through the country’s education programme?! The logo is nearly as legendary as Glenroe’s theme tune and holds a special place in every child’s memory bank.

CJ Fallon, one of Ireland’s longest established and most respected educational publishers, has been leading the way in Primary and Post Primary publishing since 1895. That’s a lot of children who have benefitted from their hard work and expertise. They continue to provide Irish teachers with the most up to date print and digital teaching resources. Their ethos is to provide Irish students with the best results-driven learning tools which will help them to develop to the highest educational and academic standards. They pride themselves on working with only the best teachers in the country who contribute as authors, advisors and reviewers.

Obviously CJ Fallon has a lot in common with The B!G Idea who also pride ourselves on working with only the best teachers and who strive to change the world with creative thinking. Education and creative thinking have a very special connection and together can be very powerful in providing teenagers with the learning tools needed for today’s world.

CJ Fallon believe that the key to giving students and teachers the best experience in education is to stick to two key principles: quality and community. They take their time to ensure that the print materials are to the best quality meaning that they will stand the test of time and with digital resources they are compatible with iOS, Android and Win8 devices as well as laptops and desktops. In relation to community they work with teachers and students to find the product/s that best suit everybody’s needs. This is no easy task as we all know there is no one size that fits all when it comes to education.

Thank you to CJ Fallon for all your commitment to educating the youth of today and we are thrilled to have you on board as a partner with The B!G Idea.

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